VADEA invites you to participate in a 60-minute workshop designed to further explore and unpack the new 7–10 Visual Arts Syllabus. Our Term 4, 2024...
VADEA invites you to participate in a 45-minute workshop designed to explore and unpack the new 7–10 Visual Arts Syllabus. This interactive session ...
HIDDEN Rookwood Sculptures: 21 October – 19 November 2023 read more The Visual Arts and Design Educators Association (VADEA NSW) is excited to an...
VADEA is pleased to be partnering with Delmar Gallery, Summer Hill, for a VADEA Connect event on Thursday 8 June, 4.00pm - 6.00pm. See a delightful...
Registrations are now open for the VADEA 2023 Conference to be held on Friday 12 May and Saturday 13 May 2023. The OFF-GRID theme invites participant...
The Visual Arts and Design Educators Association (VADEA NSW) is excited to announce a unique professional learning event for Primary and Secondary Sch...
The Visual Arts and Design Educators Association (VADEA NSW) is excited to announce a unique professional learning event for Secondary School Visual A...
VADEA Inspire HSC Visual Arts Writing Back by popular demand and with bonus online content that includes the Blak Douglas keynote and the George Ra...
You are invited to a VADEA Collaborate Live presentation with artist and curator Dr Kath Fries, an exciting opportunity for VADEA members to gain an i...
Registrations are now open for the VADEA 2022 Conference to be held on Friday, 6 May & Saturday, 7 May. VADEA is proud to announce the much antic...
VADEA Collaborate Live - Beginning Teachers: Starting Out In The Visual Arts Classroom is an online event that will focus on the sharing of valuable e...
VADEA Inspire HSC Visual Arts Writing is a flexible online delivery professional development event that will explore the range of art critical and his...