
VADEA Collaborate Live – Speaking with artist Christina Huynh (aka Styna)

20/07/2021 7:30pm - 20/07/2021 8:30pm



Christina is one of the 18 artists who contributed to the Canal to Creek Public Art Program located around Linear Park, Kingsgrove Reserve and St Peters in south-western Sydney. VADEA are proud of their contribution to the Canal to Creek educational portal that provides a unique virtual engagement with all the artworks. In addition to talking to Christina about her practice, we will be looking at the educational resources for her large-scale, site specific work “Fantastic Worlds” found on the portal. There are great online resources for all 18 of the Canal to Creek artists!!

Christina Huynh (b.1980) is a visual artist and illustrator based in Western Sydney that paints under the name of ‘Styna’. She began creating illustrations while completing her Bachelor of Design in 2011 at Western Sydney University. Her practice has included several public art projects, murals and illustration projects, including illustrating ‘Grandma’s Treasured Shoes’ for the National Library of Australia. Today, Christina continues to work with councils and schools, focusing on art-for-purpose and place-based projects and collaborations. You can visit her website here.

Before acrylic and aerosol, my medium of choice is watercolour, pen and ink – I love that watercolour and aerosol are from opposite worlds: painting light to dark in watercolour and dark to light in aerosol. The two mediums are both difficult and spontaneous yet capable of expressing movement and momentum beautifully in their own way – Christina Huynh

“Fantastic Worlds” is a direct response to the cultural, social and environmental site of the Kingsgrove area, and to the quiet, sombre, peaceful ambience of Linear Park and Kingsbury Reserve. The artist has stated that this mural is the biggest project she has worked on, and she enjoyed contributing to revitalising the surrounding areas of the WestConnex motorway. She values the importance of having an area or space which local people can enjoy and sees her work as bringing a feeling of wellbeing and joy to the space.

“Fantastic Worlds” is a narrative about wayfaring (traveling), heritage, conservation and diversity. This beautiful mural is a story about a flock of beautiful Gouldian Finches. Native to Australia, the birds have travelled the world to collect indigenous flowers from different countries including Greece, Lebanon, China and Australia. The work is therefore a celebration of diversity.

VADEA will showcase the educational resources accessible on the Canal to Creek portal which include:

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