
VADEA Inspire HSC Visual Arts Writing – Flexible Online Delivery

01/11/2021 6:00am - 02/12/2021 3:22pm
Member Price: $25.00, Non-Member Price: $45.00


VADEA Inspire HSC Visual Arts Writing is a flexible online delivery professional development event that will explore the range of art critical and historical knowledge and practices employed by experienced Visual Arts educators when developing the art writing skills of their HSC students in preparation for the written HSC Visual Arts examination.

The HSC Visual Arts syllabus places significant emphasis on developing students’ knowledge, skills and understanding to represent an informed point of view about the visual arts through their critical and historical accounts. In order to be successful in the HSC written examination, students and teachers need to be familiar with the relational components of a number of aspects including:

  1. knowledge of syllabus content which includes practice, the conceptual framework and the frames
  2. forms of written representation but specifically what is required for the HSC examination
  3. various strategies that range from explicit teaching to developing student autonomy, including the use of data, differentiation, explicit modelling of literacy frameworks, unpacking questions, building responses, marking, and feedback/ feedforward

This Inspire program will explore how experienced teachers have successfully taught aspects of these components, via 6 x 30min modules that can be accessed at the convenience of participants.

The program aims to support HSC Visual Arts educators to address the requirements of the HSC Visual Arts written examination and maximise student learning within various contexts. New and experienced teachers of Stage 6 classes for 2022 will benefit from the timing as it aligns with the start of a new HSC year. Participants are encouraged to bring along a HSC scope & sequence, program, assessment task and/or art writing task that they would like to strengthen and/or update.

Program Summary

Understanding The HSC Visual Arts Examination – Ron Pratt
As an experienced HSC teacher, Ron is well placed to outline the demands of the HSC Visual Arts examination and the processes and resources in place that support a HSC Visual Arts teacher’s understanding of these demands and constraints on supporting their students to achieve their potential.

Paint By Numbers: Using Data to Improve Visual Arts Literacy Outcomes – Jess McCarthy
Investigate how to use an analysis of whole school data including RAP, NAPLAN and Check-In results to understand how this information can be interpreted and leveraged to design future learning experiences that can improve writing. The Visual Arts outcomes will be compared to the Literacy Progressions to inform ways whole school targets can be met in our subject area.

Designing Your Road Map for Growth – Nicole DeLosa
Learn about different strategies that you could use to build your own road map based on a personalised approach to learning for your context using a KNOW-GUIDE-CHALLENGE scaffold that fosters growth in students’ performance in art writing.

Explicit Modelling and Bubble Theory – Sally Leaney
Explore a practical application of the explicit teaching of literacy using the TECE scaffold, ‘Bubble Theory’, modelling and critical reasoning. You will gain an understanding of how carefully considered critical reasoning and “bubbling” contributes to collaborative and sophisticated response building in art writing.

Structuring Essay Responses – Brian Shand
This presentation will focus on structuring essays in a logical way, to represent a body of knowledge, in preparation for writing an extended response in the HSC Section II Examination.

Evolution of a Case Study – Helen Yip
Explore useful approaches for designing fresh case studies and evolving existing case studies to activate critical and historical inquiries that teach students how to develop and apply their own informed points of view. Play with parameters, content selection, structure, sequencing and conceptual links so that you and your students can critically engage with case studies through a moving body of research and knowledge that offers breadth, depth, inspiration and insight over time.

Collegial Swap Meet via Zoom
Discuss your school context in small groups, considering what types of data inform, or could potentially inform, your practice. and how you can constructively utilise this data. This is an opportunity for you to share resources and discuss strategies from the presentations that you could apply to strengthen and/or update your resources. Start planning a new art writing resource or adapting an existing resource in a supportive and collegial environment.

NESA Accreditation

Due to current NESA guidelines, this professional learning event cannot be accredited but VADEA advise participants that completing the VADEA Inspire “HSC Visual Arts Writing” will contribute 3 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Elective PD.


The 6 x 30min modules will be available from Monday 1st November. Once participants are registered, links to the modules will be provided. Participants then access these modules in their own time and at their own pace and will be available until 31 January 2022.


VADEA Member: $25.00  |  Non Member: $45.00