
VADEA OFF-GRID 2023 Conference

12/05/2023 8:00am - 13/05/2023 5:00pm
Aerial UTS Function Centre


Registrations are now open for the VADEA 2023 Conference to be held on Friday 12 May and Saturday 13 May 2023.

The OFF-GRID theme invites participants to reflect on how we have proffered new pathways, moved between and beyond existing constructs, disconnected to reconnect and wandered OFF-GRID in developing teaching and learning programs, case studies, units of work and areas of research across Visual Arts & Design education.

OFF-GRID 2023 will, once again, be held at the Aerial UTS Function Centre in Sydney. VADEA will continue to offer an online program that live streams our plenary sessions and presentations from the main auditorium along with some self-paced breakout options.

We have already engaged with a diverse and exciting range of speakers and presenters. We can’t wait to share details with you soon and over the coming months.

We are thrilled to announce our confirmed speakers:

and great artist led workshops across a variety of media:

and more.

There will be additional information to come including details on the workshops.

Our Friday night cocktail party promises to be a wonderful celebration and opportunity to network with new and old friends with some great surprises in the planning.

We look forward to seeing you at OFF-GRID 2023.


Need Help with Travel? – Contact our travel partner:

Luxury Travel Planner 
Deryk Neighbour
P: 02 9787 3871
M: 0411 24 24 24